I'm challenged these days about how much I rely on others to lift me up. It's right, of course, to encourage each other, and no one is an island. But there's lots of space for me to grow into as a self-encourager. Wiiiide open space.
What would it look like? Some out loud statements of truth and hope. Some reminding myself of the good and the already done. More bible. Less vacuous magazine/tv consumption. Breathing deeply, smiling and ignoring the destuctive chatter that can edge its way into my consciousness: "things will never change", "I can't cope", "I shouldn't stick my neck out", "Everyone else is so much more together than me". You know the drill.
My man is awesome at encouraging me. I can get slack and just rely on him and my other wonderful family and friends. Time for me to slap myself on the back.
And look! The little vonerables wore the pyjamas I requested. I've had a mental picture for ages of the four of them in white and pale blue pyjamas, unwrapping their presents, but it's always too much bother. There were some who thought it was too much bother this year too, but they could see it was special to me. We'll have to have a rerun next year because I forgot to get a photo of all of them together! Won't they be thrilled!